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StellarHE: Bridging the Training Opportunity Gap for Racially Diverse Staff at City University
The Line of Sight activity was an opportunity to undertake research internally by speaking to staff about their lived experience at City University - and the findings were so insightful.
StellarHE: Kafui Osuteye’s Journey as a Confident and Driven Financial Leader
Black, Asian and ethnically diverse leaders have so many attributes to bring to the higher education sector: inclusive emotional intelligence, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership to name a few. And yet, many continue to be under-represented in senior roles whilst having to navigate daily negative experiences, from micro-aggressions to outright discrimination. This is why we’ve developed the StellarHE programme, which supports and develops diverse leaders in the field of higher education.
Yara: Now a ‘Leading Light’ in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Yara: Now a ‘Leading Light’ in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death and the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, organisations pledged billions of dollars to move the DEI agenda forward. However, we’ve seen very few organisations actually change as a result of these at times empty gestures. Yara International is one notable exception. This global, 17,500-strong organisation, which reports revenues of $24 billion, has a crucial mission – to develop the knowledge required to responsibly feed the world and protect the planet, through collaborative leadership and integrated, science-based solutions. The Challenge: Moving From Base Level DEI to ‘Beyond Awareness’ As you might expect from such a globally aware organisation, Yara is [...]
StellarHE: Ferhana Hashem’s Learning on Leadership
Black, Asian and ethnically diverse leaders have so many attributes to bring to the higher education sector: inclusive emotional intelligence, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership to name a few. And yet, many continue to be under-represented in senior roles whilst having to navigate daily negative experiences, from micro-aggressions to outright discrimination. This is why we’ve developed the StellarHE programme, which supports and develops diverse leaders in the field of higher education.
Herstory: How Restorative Journaling Can Help You Process Racist Incidents
Restorative journaling is a powerful tool for Black, Asian and ethnically diverse leaders, and one that can help them process and reframe difficult situations, as well as set goals for the future.
The Importance of Restorative Journaling for Racially Diverse Leaders
Restorative journaling is a powerful tool that helps racially diverse leaders process difficult experiences. When we translate difficult events – especially ones we find hard to talk about – into written language, we can reinvigorate and transform how we deal with the everyday challenges we face at work.
StellarHE: Nina Gow’s Experience on the Programme
Black, Asian and ethnically diverse leaders have so many attributes to bring to the higher education sector: inclusive emotional intelligence, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership to name a few. And yet, many continue to be under-represented in senior roles whilst having to navigate daily negative experiences, from micro-aggressions to outright discrimination. This is why we’ve developed the StellarHE programme, which supports and develops diverse leaders in the field of higher education.
What Should An Anti-Racist Organisation Look Like?
All organisations say they’re not racist, but the work of anti-racism requires more than words. Today, the Utopian dream of an anti-racist world has become a living nightmare; a nightmare in which organisations that claim to be diverse and inclusive fail to deliver on their promise of racial equality and the lived experiences of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse people are routinely ignored.
In the Workplace, Is Gender a Bridge or a Barrier?
On the surface, women of all races and backgrounds appear to face the same challenges in the workplace. They are usually paid less than men for doing the same work, are far more likely to be sexually harassed, and – should they give birth or start families – are stung with the ‘motherhood penalty’, where organisations discriminate against them for having children ...
Do Black Lives Matter post George Floyd?
The term Anti-racist and its close cousin Anti-racism have recently shot into public discourse with the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Both terms are regularly invoked in the debate about whether it is enough to be ‘not racist’ or we should be doing more ...